Copyright © 2017 Edgemont Medical Clinic
Edgemont Medical Clinic
#104, 3053 Edgemont Blvd
North Vancouver, BC
Canada, V7R 4K2
T: 604-990-9499
F: 604-990-9490

Appointments can be booked in person or over the phone between the hours of 9:30 am and 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. Please call 604 922-2426. Visit times are allocated according to reason for visit so please let the receptionist know the reason you are wishing to see a doctor. If you are requesting a complete physical or pap smear, please ensure the receptionist is aware of this as these services require a longer a booking period.
If you are unable to make your appointment please give the staff 24 hours cancellation notice. There will be a no show charge for all missed appointments. This must be paid prior to seeing another doctor at Bellevue Medical Clinic.
Test Results
All patients are expected to return for follow up on all test results with the ordering physician.
We do not give out test results over the phone, nor inform you if test results have arrived at the clinic. Please find out before leaving the clinic how long it will take for the results to come in.
If a referral to a specialist is being made for you by our office, either our office or the specialist office will contact you with an appointment time. All referrals are made within 48 hours of your visit to our clinic, however due to wait lists at the specialist office, you may not be contacted right away. We will make every attempt to let you know prior to leaving the clinic how long the wait list is for the referring specialist.
In general, MSP does not pay for forms to be completed. Therefore, it is the patient’s responsibility to pay in advance for any form that needs to be filled out by the doctor. Please inform the receptionist of any forms needing to be filled out prior to seeing the doctor.
Behaviour in the Office
Our front staff are trained to help patients and we make every effort to make your visit pleasant and comfortable. We are completely supportive of our staff and neither the doctor nor management will tolerate any rude or aggressive behaviour.
If you have any problems associated with your visit, please email
Termination of Doctor-Patient Relationship
In order to provide the best possible health care for the patient, a satisfactory doctor-patient relationship needs to occur. If for any reason, this relationship becomes compromised it may be terminated. If this occurs, we will provide emergency medical care only for one month, or when the patient finds a new family doctor, whichever comes first.
Personal Information
Please ensure that your file is kept up to date with a current phone number, cell phone number, address, and emergency contact information. Please inform the receptionist of any changes to your personal information upon arrival at the clinic.